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The former senator David Norris was asked once in a radio interview about his battle with cancer. He replied that he did not view it as a battle. The cancer was part of him and he was trying to accommodate it while getting on with his life. His words reminded me of the work of the American mindfulness guru Jon Kabit-Zinn on pain management. He encourages people to breathe in to their pain and meet it. This meeting can ease the severity of the pain and leave space for one to move on with life. It is a redirection of energy into the journey.

This brings to mind a mantra we can use to understand and accept where we are, "I am my pain, but I am more than my pain". This helps us to acknowledge and accept where we are and allows us to journey on. This mantra, from the Psychosynthesis school, can be used in many situations. We can substitute the word pain with worry, anger, depression, anxiety or whatever might be causing us to feel overwhelmed. It might be the catalyst to our getting some control of our journey.

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